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Monday, December 12, 2011

Top 12 Christmas Specials-Honorable Mentions

When Christmas time rolls around, there are many things that you can expect-excessive sales pitches for everything in the world, lots of Christmas music, and plenty of Christmas specials. There's going to be something Christmas/holiday related on pretty much every television show you can list even if it's to promote a little-known holiday like Festivus. (for the rest of us.)

Since it is that time of year, I thought it was appropriate to make a fun little list to showcase the best of those Christmas specials. For this list, I'm pretty much going to stick to animated specials rather than television shows. I will make a couple of exceptions, but it won't be for any television show, it will be for a stand alone kind of special.

As often happens with these kinds of lists, I'll start with some honorable mentions.

Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas

This is a special that was put together by Jim Henson and his fellow Muppeteers. It's an interesting take on the popular short Christmas story, The Gift of the Magi. Emmet and his mother are both trying to get by the best that they can. Then they decide to get each other a gift. In a twist, they each use something the other person needs in order to compete in a talent show to get them something better. Unfortunately this also ruins both of their livelihoods. I won't give anything away, but it's a great lesson in giving and receiving.

I don't think this special is shown anymore, which is why it isn't in the list, but it is still a great production and a great story. As with most Muppet productions, the music is phenomenal. (Do do do do do.) Hopefully you'll get a chance to check it out.
That Bing Crosby Special where he sings with David Bowie

I know, this doesn't really fit well with the rest of the list, but I had to include it just for the part where David Bowie shows up and Bing's 'house' and they have a moment where they sing 'The Little Drummer Boy." It is probably the most surreal moment in music. The conversation before the song starts is especially odd. Definitely check out the song if you haven't heard it before.

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