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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Of Chicks and Peas

A few days ago, I asked my friends on Facebook for ideas on what to post next on Random Opinions. I got several ideas, but two in particular that I though would work well together.
  • a chick pea is neither a chick nor a pea
  • Chick names for my chickens
What would happen if I tried to do both posts at once? How random would that be?

So let's look at the chickpea side of things first for a moment. This comes from a classic Mike Myers skit from Saturday Night Live, Coffee Talk.

In the skit, Myers plays Linda Richman, a talk show host who often gets distracted and instructs the audience to "talk among yourselves" with some random topic. One of those topics was "a chick pea is neither a chick nor a pea."

So how does that tie with the second comment? Just by the slightest of threads since they both have the word "chick" in them.

So how can we tie these two disparate ideas together? Why through randomness, of course.

  • Chicks are not peas, but that doesn't mean you can't name a chick Sweet Pea.
  • Chickpeas are also known as garbanzo beans. The word garbanzo comes to English from Old Spanish as Calavance, a word that I think would make a good name.
  • Apicius was a Roman gourmet that was fond of these legumes. Wouldn't Apicius be a great name for a chicken?
  • Charlemagne wrote about chickpeas, so why not name your chick after him?
  • Nicholas Culpeper noted "chick-pease or cicers" are less "windy" than peas and more nourishing. So why not Culpeper?
  • Venus is associated with chickpeas.
  • There are two varieties of chickpeas-Desi and Kabuli.
That's 8 names and it should get you well along. If you want more, or you have other suggestions, feel free to post a comment below.

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