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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Finding time to Blog

Well, I'm still here contrary to popular theory. I've just discovered that blogging isn't as easy as it seems. I guess the better phrase is realized. I think I knew that blogging was difficult for a while, I just didn't have the realization until recently.

What makes blogging so difficult? There are quite a few factors that contribute to this difficulty. First there's the complication of coming up with something to write about. This is a little easier for me since I like to work with Top 12 Lists. It takes a while to work through the list no matter how many parts, but that doesn't make the process of blogging all that easy.

Sure it doesn't take much to come up with a topic, just mash a couple of things together and see what happens, maybe a Justin vs. Justin-Bieber takes on Timberlake. (No, I have no intention of doing this since I have no desire to listen to their music, so feel free to write it if you want to.

That's one reason I started the Single-Post Project. In the short period of writing my random opinions, I've come up with a long list of tags that only have one post. Why not try to write something using those tags again? What's the worst that could happen? Well, you'll have to look at the list of tags on the right hand side of your screen to see. (It's a big list with lots of topics that don't really deserve a second post.) The worst part is that I'll probably add lots of new tags as I go, so that will help keep my blogging going.

So I do want to explain my lack of production while I'm writing this post. You see, I've got a few writing projects going on at the same time. I have this blog for random opinions on topics all over the board, but I also have a blog that I set up for my creative writing. (I wrote This) I'm also a contributing writer for a fairly new website called This or That. What's really taking up my time though is the high social interactivity of Tumblr. It's a great site for connecting with other people and tons of overly reblogged content.

Anyway, I'm going to try to get back on track for my other blogs and get back on track for some daily opinions. I'll still be working on Top Twelve lists and this new Single-Post Project. Let me know what you think or if there's something you'd like my opinion on.

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