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Friday, March 11, 2011

Moving at the speed of the internet.

Sometimes it's hard to see just how much technology has taken over our modern life. I've adjusted to my current home in the middle of nowhere in terms of extremely limited cell service, but I'm still adjusting to the less-than-wonderful internet service we recieve from a certain satellite company I won't name right here. Anyway, there was a fairly big storm that passed through our part of New York State and I was without internet service for over 16 hours. (As far as I can tell, the service at home is still down. I'm currently writing this at work.)

That wasn't all though, we were also having trouble with the land line phone not working so I had quite a bit of trouble getting in touch with my sister about her plans for the weekend. So, it's no big deal to be without a decent cell phone or land line or internet, right? Well, There were a few other things I was trying to sort out, but it still shouldn't have seemed that that big a deal, but it was.

Technology has definitely taken over our lives and makes if difficult for us to face a simpler existence. I often think about what it would be like to go back in time and enjoy the world a little bit more, but then I realize that I might miss something on Facebook or Tumblr. There are definitley times that I realized just how dependent I've become on my technology.

So with all of that, will I make a change? Maybe, maybe not. It really depends on so many things. First off, I've really enjoyed writing and blogging so I can't completely give up on the technology, especially since I get paid for some of the writing that I'm doing. (Let me take a moment to shamelessly plug my writing on This or That)

Well, that's my two cents on the matter. Feel free to comment below, and share your own perspective on the matter.

1 comment:

  1. Its sad to say, but I wouldn't know what to do with myself if all the technology I have access to just disappeared o.O
