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Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Top 12 Doctors in Doctor Who (Part I)

Doctor Who was originally a children's show created for the BBC in 1963. The Doctor was a strange old man travelling in a Police Call Box that was bigger on the inside than the outside. He would travel in this T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) with his granddaughter, Susan, and her teachers who were just dragged along for the ride. I should also mention that the T.A.R.D.I.S is able to travel anywhere in time and space. Too bad the Doctor can't control where he's going.

When the original Doctor became unable to continue the role do to his age, someone came up with the brilliant idea to make it so the Doctor could just 'regenerate' into another person. The look, attitudes, and personality were all different, but he was still the Doctor. This allowed for Doctor Who to become the longest running science fiction show ever. Over almost 50 years, the Doctor has been portrayed by many men. I am going to list the Top Twelve of these actors. Why twelve? Because they all deserve recognition for what they did. (There are eleven official Doctors at this point as well as a few non cannon appearances but more about that later.)

Honorable Mentions
There are a few people who deserve a quick mention even though they may not be officially accepted actors playing the Doctor. Over the years, there have been many fans who have wanted to be a part of the action and put together some great work. Also, there's a Doctor who wasn't what he thought he was.

David Morrissey-In 2008, a special called "The Next Doctor" featured a man who may or may not be a regeneration of the Doctor. This character turns out to be a man who has had the Doctor's memories imprinted on his mind, but he does a great job of being a Time Lord with what he has available in Victorian England.

Tony Garner-In 1995, someone noticed that Tony Garner looked like a combination of the second and third Doctors and a group called Devious was formed to make a fan production featuring the Second-and-a-Halfth Doctor. The story takes place after the Time Lords force the second Doctor to regenerate. The premise is that the regeneration is incommplete, but that doesn't stop Garner's Doctor from facing off against the forces of evil. According to the website, the six-part production is near completion with special effects still in process. The trailer can be seen on the second disc of "The Wargames." It's worth checking out.  Hopefully it will be ready some day soon.

Dishonorable Mention
Peter Cushing-You can't blame Peter Cushing for signing on for a couple of movies. After all, a job is a job, right? I blame the writers for the fact that these movies have almost nothing to do with the TV show. It's like somebody watched a few episodes of Doctor Who with the volume off and made up the story based on the images. The character is called Doctor Who rather than the Doctor and he's a human who invented this time machine. That makes sense so far, right? I'm sure all the scientist in the 60's were zipping around in them.

Anyway, that's just the start for my list, but you'll have to wait for part II to find out about the actual actors that played the Doctor.  As always, feel free to leave a comment if you have one.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! This entry mostly deals with things I haven't yet seen, but thank you for increasing my Doctor Who knowledge! I can only agree on David Morrissey; as for the Peter Cushing movies, I've only heard bad (outraged or scornful, to be exact) reviews, so I'll trust you and won't waste my time watching them.

    Talk to you soon!

