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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Why is my smart phone so dumb?

When it comes to mobile phones, all the advertisements are focused on smart phones. It basically boils down to a variation of the school yard argument. The only difference is that instead of "My dad's stronger than yours," it has become, "My phone's smarter than yours." I love technology, and while I'm definitely behind the curve when it comes to the latest and greatest, I thought I knew enough to find a phone that would be able to handle all my needs.

I did forget one specific aspect of my personality though. I'm a very curious person. I like to explore what different devices are capable of doing. Once I have something new, I like to try out all of its features and components. Fortunately, I've gotten past the point of taking things apart to see how they work. That never turned out to be a good choice on my part.

When my contract with Verizon came to a close this summer, I started looking at the phones I could get for free with my new 2-year committment. I wasn't sure what I would be doing in the Fall. I'd just graduated and wasn't having any luck finding a job. I'm still making due as a substitute teacher. I didn't think I could afford to get a phone with too many bells and whistles, but I was curious about the newer phones.

The biggest problem was the data packages. The last thing I needed was a lot of extra expense for a data package I might not even use. After all, if you're around a wireless signal you probably won't even be using the data package. I eventually decided on the LG Chocolate Touch. This had a lot to do with the fact that I've been using the LG Chocolate phone in all of its incarnations.

 I love most of the features on the phone. It works great for calling and texting, and the touch screen works fairly well. My favorite part is how easy it is to load music. In the past, I always had to take music from my iTunes and move it over to Windows Media Player before I could put it on the phone. I also had some issues with Media Player not wanting to stay open. Now it's just a simple matter of copying and pasting the files from one folder to another.

That's not what I'm here to talk about though. I think my smart phone is not as smart as some of the other phones. It can certainly handle all of the basic phone functions, but I have some serious issues trying to use the internet on the poor thing. I have to go through about eight steps to get to Facebook, and once I'm there I can't follow any links. The screen just goes white and pretends to load. I can't get anything from YouTube, and half the time I go to click on something the screen changes and I go to the wrong place.

I'm afraid my phone isn't smart enough to be classified with all the other smart phones. Maybe I can get a tutor for the poor thing or some other method to help it get a little smarter.

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