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Saturday, January 8, 2011

If it's not your money then just back off.

380 million dollars split between two winners. We know who the first winner is. He had to sit through a press conference and have his face splashed all over national television. Now everyone knows who they are and exactly how much money they have. I would not want that to be me. (Not that it even could be. I don't play along with the lottery. I'd rather have the money I have than hope for money I don't have much chance of winning.)

So why hasn't the second winner shown up yet? I doubt they're going to walk away from all that money, but it is hard to think about all the attention that will be coming their way. After you get past the big press conference, everyone in the world will know. Your family, your friends, and all the people that think you owe them something from the days you knew them. There will probably be lots of people you don't even know that will come out of the woodworks too. It's no wonder that whoever has the other winning ticket hasn't said anything yet, but there are still people making public appeals to this anonymous stranger to step forward.

Now for an interesting question: why not just take the money and avoid all the press? Wouldn't that be much easier? Well, most people don't realize it, but your lottery ticket has a nice little message on the back that informs you that if you win you are legally obligated to let the lottery use you to show how easy it is to win. So you have to play along.

I'm still waiting for the episode on CSI or NCIS where the lotto winner is attacked/abucted for the money. Maybe it was already on and I just missed it. Anyway, it you're the person with the ticket and your reading this, then do whatever you want. I don't feel the need to tell you what to do. You've got plenty of your own problems to worry about.

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