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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So you want to start watching the Third Doctor episodes of Doctor Who

So you've decided to check out the third Doctor, have you? That is an excellent choice. Jon Pertwee is great in the role of the Doctor and his portrayal is very unique from the other actors. This Doctor does not run away as is the typical first move of the modern Doctors. (and I don't disapprove of the running) Instead this Doctor will either try to talk his way out of a situation or else grapple with his enemies hand-to-hand. He uses Venusian Kung Fu and drives a roadster that is souped up with Time Lord technology.  Here's some great places to start if you want to experience this Doctor.

The Spearhead from Space
As they sing in "The Sound of Music," let's start at the very beginning. The Spearhead from Space is the first time we see Jon Pertwee as the Doctor. He has just landed on Earth with his new face that has been forced on him by the Time Lords and he's a little confused about everything. (This is the first time that a new Doctor experiences difficulty after a regeneration.)

While the Doctor is incapacitated, UNIT is investigating a strange group of meteorites that have landed on the same point. We meet Liz, the new companion who happens to be an expert on such matter. This is not only the first episode with Jon Pertwee, it is also the first appearance of the Autons. Who are the Autons? Well, think back to the shop dummies in the first episode of the new series that come alive and kill people. Those are the Autons that are brought to life by the Nestene Consciousness.

The Time Warrior
If you've watched the new series, then you already know Sarah Jane Smith. This is her first episode on the show. You get to see Pertwee's Doctor show off his playful side as the two meet. You may not remember Tennant's Doctor going by the name John Smith, but it is a common occurrence for the Doctor. He is using the name John Smith and Sarah Jane is pretending to be her aunt, who is a scientist, so she can get the scoop on UNIT. The two end up traveling to the past to stop a Sontaran from interfering with the Medieval society of England's history.

The Time Monster
Since you can't see the first appearance of the Master at this time, your second-best option is to see this great story with him in it. The Master has cannibalized his own TARDIS to create the TOMTIT device under the guise of a government scientist. His goal is to use the device to go back in time and gain control of a crystal that will let him control a creature that exists in the realm between times and spaces.
*note* The Master first appears during the time of the third Doctor and is one of the main protagonists during Pertwee's time as the Doctor. In fact, the main reason that Pertwee left the show was the death of Roger DelGado. (the original actor to play the Master.)

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