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Monday, January 24, 2011

Should we just give up on equality?

 So I just finished reading an article that titled "Why Rich Parents Don't Matter." (see the article here:
I thought I was going to read about how smart kids will always out perform no matter the background, or perhaps an article that says that all the extra help money can buy doesn't make that much difference. Instead I read an article that basically says that it doesn't matter if we remove the class-side of the equation because some kids are genetically predisposed to being smart.

What is the point of saying this? Why do we need someone to tell us that education won't ever be completely fair? That's not a new revelation. So rather than trying to make things better, we should be content to leave things the way they are? That doesn't make any sense at all. Our education system should be giving every student a chance to reach their full potential. I doubt we can do much about the financial concerns, but that doesn't mean we should dismiss them as being something not worth our time and effort.

In case you haven't figured it out I disagree with the title of this article and its final conclusion, but look it over and decide for yourself. Then feel free to leave a comment below.

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